New Partner Promotions

New Partner Promotions

We are thrilled to announce the latest promotions at our firm, marking a significant milestone in our company’s growth journey. As we continue to grow and excel in our field, it’s essential to recognize and celebrate our team members’ exceptional talent and dedication.

We proudly introduce our newly promoted Equity and Income Partners, who have demonstrated unwavering commitment, expertise, and a drive for excellence.

New Equity Partners:

Sandra Garcia

Michael McLeskey

Erik Soderberg

New Income Partners:

Ben Brown

Brad Bickmore

Thomas Fishler

Andrea Fournier

Steve Hurd

Matt Theis

We are confident that our new partners will bring a fresh perspective, innovative ideas, and an unwavering commitment to our clients and organization. These promotions reflect their exceptional talents, dedication to nurturing talent, and promoting growth within our firm.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our new Equity and Income Partners and look forward to the remarkable achievements and continued success they will bring to our firm. Together, we will continue to deliver exceptional service and value to our clients, further solidifying our reputation as a leader in the accounting industry.

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